I’m a senior university student of science and engineering.
The day when I went back home for winter vacation, my parents were getting the H1N1 and I knew my my immunity couldn't stand up to the infection, so i started to have some traditional Chinese medicine to prevent it. But unfortunately, the second day I got a headache and I knew I would get a fever soon.
Then I remembered the healing power of Solfeggio Frequencies viewed before. So I returned to Nia’s website and purchased it (most Solfeggio Frequencies on the music platform isn't that good). After checking the guide, I chose the 174hz to solve my headache.
Fortunately, after a afternoon, I was cured! The headache disappeared and tranquility came from my deep heart. Then I started to believe the power of healing frequencies.
While my grandpa cut his finger when cooking and he said he had gone to the hospital but the nurse just disinfected the wound with iodine and bandaged simply. But he said this is no use and the wound couldn’t heal and was getting worse.
I then referred to AI to get some prescription in tradition Chinese medicine (just have a try). And it gave me the advice of Jinhuang Powder, Myogenic jade red cream and Sanguisorba powder (maybe they are strange translated into English). Since they are all OTC medicine in my country, I purchased online.
When the medicine arrived, I remembered that 285hz can speed up the wound healing so I sent grandpa the mp3 file and taught him how to play it. Marvelously, the second day my grandpa told me that the wound was healing quickly! The TCM and Solfeggio Frequencies give me a glimpse of the power of nature and energy.
What’s more, I play the 963hz when sleeping (I used to play some singing bowl music). Judging from these days, I think my fall-in-sleep time has shortened because I used to thinking a lot and can’t fall asleep.
While the most marvelous thing happens in my winter-exchange-program now. I always have the confidence and say some sentences like “I’m invincible” although always be laughed and satired by my schoolmates. I don’t feel good with them and my intuition seems to tell me to keep away from them, so I quit the group (funny i’m the leader) and join other groups and I go along with them very well.
Surprisingly, whatever I do is the best. Decisions are made quickly by me, creations are emerged rapidly by me and girls are attracted madly by me (I don’t know). All these things make me feel my energy domain is getting more powerful.
The most surprising one was the visit to a company doing brain-computer interface. The officer let us play a game that using a senor to detect our brain wave (or something like attention) to control the speed of the toy car to have a race. But this time he said high level attention is not that special but tranquility is more important in this day and age so let’s race whose wave is lowest that can win the big prize. He said that the index under 20 was very good and one guy reached 9, which was surprising to the officer and he explained due to his daily meditation. But when it turned to me, I just closed my eyes and tried to feel my breath, the wave index got down rapidly and shocked everyone, down to just 2. And then they all believed I am invincible. Finally, the officer, a successful entrepreneur consulted to me, a lovely student, how to combat his insomnia. I said just focused on your breath and felt the deep tranquility inside yourself.
Maybe that’s the magic of 963hz because I now follow my intuition more as I feel that means choosing and creating by soul instead of subjective feeling which is taught through education.
The secrets of Solfeggio Frequencies remain a lot for me to discover and I know I just follow my passion and be myself, keeping forward and never stopping.
Thanks to those who spread the spiritual knowledge and energy like Nia, ya’ll are the very people who are worthy of respect on this planet. The way of spreading truth and love is not always a plain sailing, so keep moving on, Nia. I am with you every step of the way.